Hey You!

Looks like you’re lost! This page is the server’s main page which normally indicates that apache is working.


What We Do

Web-page Design

We love new WordPress design projects. Have us build your and design your internet brand in confindence!

Virus and Spyware Removal

Every hosting account is monitored to protect the integrity of the system from malware etc.

Data Recovery and Backup Plan

Best strategy for recovering from a disaster? A backup and recovery plan.

Website Hosting

Reliable and secure webspace serving your documents to the public using the best and time proven technologies.

Cloud Services

True cloud architecture file storage and sharing platform at prices undercutting google and amazon s3.

Cyber Security

Deploy our security penetration testing to expose weak points in your local network infrastructure. Secure your WiFi & IPs.


Professional IT Services & Technology Consulting

We believe that every work flow process can be improved making it possible to streamline any endeavor using secure online technologies. We are a big fan of open source and think you should be too!

We Create Fully Connected Systems So You Can Focus On Your Business

Five Spheres. One Mission.

Bring it all together to provide a complete, second to none, online solution to all kinds of connected endeavor.




